Center For Hair Transplantation

Robotic FUE

The ARTAS® System

The permanent and natural looking solution for hair loss.

The ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration System is a groundbreaking technology that gives patients that choose Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) the opportunity to achieve consistently superior results. Utilizing advanced digital technology and precision robotics, Dr. Cohen can consistently obtain the highest quality grafts with a shorter operating time than with manual FUE.

Dr. Cohen guides the ARTAS® Robot to digitally scan the donor area of the scalp to identify the individual follicular units. The selected hair is then precisely removed using the ARTAS® System’s Image-Guided Robotics. Most of your hair is left in place so that the area retains its natural appearance.

For more information, visit the ARTAS website

Here are the typical steps of an ARTAS® Procedure:

  1. The area of the scalp to be used for transplantation is trimmed so it can be scanned by the ARTAS® System. After local anesthesia, a skin tensioner is placed on the scalp so that the System can accurately locate and harvest the hair in its natural groupings.
  2. The ARTAS® System digitally maps the area, analyzing the position of each natural grouping of hair.
  3. With Dr. Cohen’s guidance, the System harvests donor hair in a random fashion, so that the area retains its original appearance. The above process is repeated until the desired amount of hair is acquired.
  4. The grafts are then transplanted into the desired areas of the scalp, according to Dr. Cohen’s design. These implanted grafts grow as permanent hair.