Center For Hair Transplantation

The Procedure

The Highest Standard of Quality Care & Experience

At the Center for Hair Transplantation, Dr. Ivan Cohen has performed thousands of successful hair transplants. Now he is the first physician in New England to perform robotically assisted follicular unit extraction.

Restore Your Hair

Hair Transplantation was developed in the 1950s, and since that time, more than four million people have successfully been treated.

Why Transplants Work

​Most men and women experience hair loss because they have androgenetic alopecia.

Follicular Units

​Originally hair transplantation was performed using large round grafts or “plugs.”

During this minor surgical office procedure, hair is taken from the back and sides of the head and transplanted to the bald or thinning areas. Because the donor hair is genetically programmed to grow for a lifetime, it will continue to grow the way it did at its original site. That’s what makes the procedure so effective. There are two methods of removing the donor hair.

Method 1

The hair used for transplantation is carefully selected and transferred in a well-planned pattern that closely duplicates nature’s original design. Detailed attention is necessary to determine the hairline design and direction of hair growth.


Method 2

The hair used for transplantation is carefully selected and transferred in a well-planned pattern that closely duplicates nature’s original design. Detailed attention is necessary to determine the hairline design and direction of hair growth.