Center For Hair Transplantation

The Procedure


Pursuing the Perfect Hairline

You owe it to yourself to investigate a physician’s credentials before choosing your hair transplant surgeon, because technique and quality can vary greatly from one physician to the next. Look for a surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS). The ABHRS grants board certification to physicians who meet the highest standards (skill, knowledge and aesthetic judgment) in the field of hair transplantation.

Gone are the unsightly hairlines of the past.

Using individual hairs to recreate your hairline, Dr. Cohen can achieve results that are virtually indistinguishable from nature’s own. Instead of an abrupt “hair-line” there actually is no line at all but a gradual zone of fine hairs in the front followed by increasingly dense hair behind. Although large grafts or “plugs” are no longer used, those patients who have unnatural hairlines from previous transplants can easily have them corrected using these same micro-surgical techniques.